Salted Caramel Chocolate Protein Cupcakes

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OMG do you love sweets just as much as I do? People ask me what I like to drink and I say, “I don’t but I make up for it in sweets!” I am always trying to find healthier alternatives to satisfy my sweet tooth. I shared this one on the Instagram stories last week and ya’ll wanted the deets so here you go! Im so glad I found this idea up on Bree Argetsinger AKA The Betty Rocker’s blog. I adapted her chocolate protein muffin recipe and turned it into a cupcake! She is awesome for all things fitness and nutrition. Check her out!

They should come out looking like this. You can put coconut on top to bake as well like I did half of them here.

This makes one dozen so feel free to double the recipe if you need more than 12. These are very filling thanks to the beans and protein powder. I have used both coconut chocolate and chocolate protein and they have turned out great.

The “frosting” is Salted Caramel JEM Nut Butter and I LOVE these for that sweet tooth craving. All of their flavors are amazing!

Get in my mouth you amazing creation!!

Share this goodness with a friend who you love to share a cupcake with!

Until next time,

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