Hey There Gorgeous!

It is so great to meet you! I am Vangela and I help women Find Their Fabulous and share it with the world.  
You see, ever since I was a little girl, I loved beautiful things! Beautiful shoes, make up, nails, clothes and I always loved to have fun with it all. When I’m not being a momma and wife, I am working on impacting other women to help them find their fabulous through mentoring and coaching, beauty and fitness tips, mom talk and relationship talk.

I am passionate about helping others dreams become a reality and seeing women break through their irrational beliefs and bondage that has been holding them back from reaching their calling that God has designed them for. I believe we all have a calling that is to serve the world, we just don’t have the courage or clarity to follow through with it because of fears holding us from finding the fabulous inside of us.
Inspiring women to become their own boss and embrace the entrepreneur journey is a mission I am honored to take on. I started my journey 13 years ago when I was introduced to the idea of being my own boss and building lasting residual income that would give me what I truly wanted TIME FREEDOM. You know, time to do the things I wanted to do like spend time with my family, go on vacation when I wanted to go on vacation not because my job said I could, time to be with my children, time to work out, time to serve, time to enjoy life instead of life running me.
I wanted to manage my own life instead of running crazy and busy I realized I needed to be super intentional about what I do. I quickly learned that when much is given much is required. Meaning, being an entrepreneur isn’t for everybody. Not everyone has the discipline, persistence, gumption or what I call and insatiable desire to succeed. And that is ok. Which is why I help women where they are currently at to help them reach their goal of where they desire to be. Through this process is where you Find that Fabulous that God has designed you for. 
I love studying successful people and learning from their mountains they had to climb to reach their dreams and goals. What I found that the secret sauce to reaching those goals and dreams is serious focus, sacrifice, and just plain simple HARD WORK with an insatiable desire to succeed.

Whether you want to just learn beauty and fashion tips, have mom talk, fitness inspiration or beauty boss talk YOU, my friend, are in the right place!
Connect with me social or @ vangelaclark@gmail.com
Thanks for hanging out and return often for your daily dose of fabulous and don’t forget to follow on social media and subscribe so you don’t miss out on any fun tips. 

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