Vangela’s Fancy Toasts

Lately I’ve been on a toast kick! I don’t love bread unless it’s done right. Usually it makes me feel gross and frumpy. Check these delicious eats I’ve been making. Hope you find one you like. I just get creative with what I have in my fridge.

Here are some of my recent creations. Super simple, easy and tasty.

They all have whole wheat sour dough toasted bread.

The Goji berry one has goat cheese, apples, cinnamon and a drizzle of coconut nectar and mint.

Salmon Avocado: Honey smoked salmon (Costco), avocado, goat cheese, Trader Joe’s Vegan Kale Cashew Basil Pesto

Balsamic Protein : Egg whites, baby tomatoes, avocado, basil, Trader Joe’s Balsamic Glaze, cucumber.

Let me know if you make one or create your own tasty toast.


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