3 Tips to Staying Fit and Motivated while Pregnant

Pregnancy sure has a way of changing up the body doesn’t it?  I’m not just talking about boob size and body changes either.  I”m talking about the way you move, react (hello hormones) and feed yourself!  OH MY GOODNESS!! Hello pasta and cheese!  

I eat different food I don’t normally eat. Especially the first 3-4 months of pregnancy I want all things salty, heavy and filling.  Think pastas, bagels, and cheesy warm dishes!  

After those 3 months the cravings go down and I’m able to focus on healthier choices again.  Don’t get me wrong I still love heavy warm food throughout! 

With all these crazy changes to the body and cravings, there are three things I like to focus on with fitness and pregnancy.  Hope they encourage you to keep going!  

  1. Modifying:  LISTEN to your body.    For me, I have sacrum/low back weakness and I need to modify what I do when I’m not pregnant let alone when I am pregnant.  About half way through for me is when everything below starts to hurt.  Joints, sacrum, hips etc… 

I modify by lowering weight, doing low impact workouts, going on my knees more often and saying no to things like ab work and jumping. Cycling works for me until about 30 weeks, then my bump just gets in the way with the knees.  

I also modify my workouts by going in the pool and swimming while 6 months and up!   Feels great.  

One of my favorites ways to modify is going on all 4’s instead of on the back. I am a hot yoga gal but because the body goes through temperature regulation, hot yoga is not recommended while pregnant so you don’t overheat. But you can find ways to modify in yoga and not be on your back for a long period of time. 

Pregnancy can also affect the sense of balance which can increase your risk of falling and injury. I’ve noticed that more with this 3rd pregnancy.  I try to avoid unstable exercises or I modify. For example, when doing an alternating lunge I may just do a static lunge or even hold onto something while lunging. Or use no weight at all when doing lunges.

If you’re anything like me you like to lift weights. Remember heavier weights put the body under more strain. This can increase blood pressure so don’t lift too heavy. I simply lower my weights and some days when I’m really feeling that tired pregnant feeling I lower them even more to stay safe. My goal is just to keep moving without pain and the more movement you have in your joints the better it’s going to feel as well. I mentally tell myself this pregnancy is just for a short time and I can get back to my normal fitness level soon.

If you have a good level of fitness your goal should be to maintain and keep moving. You shouldn’t be exercising to loose weight while pregnant. For anyone who may not have been active before getting pregnant start slow and listen to your body. Look for some good prenatal programs or prenatal yoga to get started.

2. Moving

That’s it.  If I am stagnant my body hurts more and I don’t want to do anything.

The last month of pregnancy I usually just focus on getting up and moving.  Even if I’m not adding much weight, I still do the moves and walk or modify.  Always check with your doctor because everyone is different. 

Two of my favorite ways to keep moving are swimming because it keeps the pressure off the joints and cycling because I can still get a good leg workout without the pressure from the hips up.  

As far as abs and pregnancy… From the second trimester on it’s encouraged to avoid laying on your back for long periods of time because it can restrict your blood flow. The abdominal wall can change and begin to separate the later you get into your pregnancy. Some ab exercises can potentially increase the separation so make sure to modify. One way I do this is being in tabletop like this photo below.

Make sure to talk with your doctor about your fitness and exercises too. That always helped me with my first pregnancy.

3. Nourishing: 

Throughout pregnancy I take more vitamins and supplements to do what I can do to make sure the baby is developing. I take more calcium, sulfur, collagen, omegas and superfruits. Think Mangosteen, Goji and Acai. These are super good for, inflammation and eye/brain development.  

I do act on my cravings such as pasta, cheeses, breads and heavier foods.  That’s my babies way of saying “you need food for me!”  But I also try and make sure I eat my normal weekly eats still such as greens, eggs and veggies and hummus. 

I hope this encourages you to know you are not alone in the pregnancy journey and to keep on going!  By all means, if you need to rest Gorgeous…REST! 



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