I often get asked,
How do you get back in shape after your babies are born?
Sure eating well and starting to train again when you can are a huge factor; however, I believe a big part of the success of postpartum training results has to do with what you do while you are pregnant.
I am so glad I have worked out throughout my pregnancies. But lets get real, at least for me, the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy are not the most fun. In fact I had a lot of pain and discomfort in my sacrum which is the hips, SI joints and low back and piriformis muscles (glutes.) With my third pregnancy everything was felt “earlier” which means I wasn’t able to work out like I wanted.
My goal the last month of pregnancy was to just move even if it meant just stretching and doing minor strength movements and joint mobility exercises. Check out my video and photos below for some of my favorite basic moves you can do while surviving the last trimester of pregnancy. As always, everyone is different and have different issues and always check with your doc!
Here are some of my favorite modifications I did in my last 6 weeks of pregnancy.
For your chest get a medicine ball, modify the bench so you are at an angle and get on your knees so you are not using those abs. It’s not recommended to work those abs after 20 weeks and when you are on your toes (think planks and pushups) you are using those abs.
If you can, focus on arms because you can stand or sit and work out with comfort. Sit like below and do triceps or biceps.
As far as legs. For me, the only thing I was doing the last month was basic squats with little or no weight and sitting leg extensions. It felt good to keep moving even though I needed to be safe and use little weight or just body weight. Just think and ask yourself…”how can I modify what I’m currently doing but keep moving?”
For a more detailed tutorial on my workout, press play below to see how you can keep moving with your baby bump! This was filmed two days before baby was born.