A place where you can push play and get lost in your workout to the beat of the music.


Designed as a full body rebounder and strength interval workout focusing on increasing the heart rate, building muscle and stamina to a choreographed routine that is musically driven. This for sure will get you wanting to push play and show up for yourself.

Mommy and Me

Organically created because if you’re anything like me you have kids wanting to bounce around and workout with you. That at times is challenging because all I want to do is workout without the kids getting in the way. Problem solved. Inside these workouts you will meet my daughter Charleston and we lead you through a workout you can do alongside your kids. Kids follow Charleston and mommas follow me. By doing different things at different times it allows for you to workout while your kids can too. Equipment used: rebounder, bands, light weights.


Focuses on upperbody and core. 30 minute workout


A whole body workout using mat and bands. This is great for traveling and when you need a quick workout.

FabFit Tips

Fitness is not health. Sometimes people look fit and healthy but that doesn’t mean they are doing healthy things to achieve their goals. Healthy mindset is just as important as a healthy body. Inside these sessions you will learn many ways to keep our lives healthy, strong and vibrant. Tips on Vangie’s eating habits, beauty tips and other goods to help you find your fabulous.

Pretty Fab fitness is a great option for all of you wanting to workout at home or just add something new into your already established fitness routine.

7-day free trial

Need a rebounder?

I recommend this one.

About the creator

Vangela is exactly that, a creator. When she was growing up she would on the daily be choreographing dance routines that her and her friends could show their parents, friends and whoever would watch them. She loved dancing, gymnastics and cheerleading. She has a cheerleading background and was a finalist to become a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. She fell in love with fitness at 17 years old through group fitness specifically step training, barbell group fitness and kickboxing. She teaches group fitness classes at a local athletic club in Charlotte, NC and is always inspired by learning and collaborating with others.

She believes that movement is power and self care is vital in training for life. Training in a workout is simply training for what life throws at you. Pretty Fab Fitness was born to inspire you through her love of dance, music and fitness. Be inspired every time you press play and don’t forget to share the love with someone else who will be inspired.

She also believes fitness is not health. The fitness space can take people down a not so healthy mindset and she believes in equipping and inspiring others through health mindset not just fit.

When she is not in the fitness space she is a mom to 3 kids and loves all things fashion, beauty and faith.